Practical guide: How often should you wash your clothes?

Underwear, shirts, sportswear, and socks: These items are in direct contact with your skin and absorb sweat, so they must be washed after each use.

White clothes, bathing suits and tights: They also require immediate washing to avoid stains and persistent odors.

Between 1 and 3 uses:

Dresses, shirts and pants: Do not need to be washed after each use, unless they are visibly dirty or smell bad.

Bras and pajamas: These can last a few uses before needing a wash, depending on your activity level and the weather.

Sheets: Changing them weekly is a good practice, although you can adjust this according to use and seasons.

Every 4 to 5 uses:

Jeans, sweaters and sweatshirts: These pieces are designed to last several uses before needing to be washed, especially jeans, which can lose color and shape with frequent washing.

Scarves and coats: Depending on their use and exposure to dirt and odors.

Two or three times a year:

Heavy coats, jackets, blankets and comforters: These garments do not require frequent washing unless they are exposed to a lot of dirt or spills.

Additional Tips

Check Labels: It’s always helpful to check the care labels on your garments to make sure the wash matches the fabric’s specific needs.

Fabric preservation: Some fabrics, such as synthetics, may require special care because they trap odors more easily than others, such as cotton.

At Clean&Easy, we understand that each type of garment has its own care needs and we offer solutions that help keep your clothes in perfect condition for longer. Visit us for more tips and find out how we can help you optimize your garment washing and care routines.

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